Sunday, May 31, 2009

18 week belly pic

So here's the latest pic of the baby belly. I go back to the doctor in two weeks for my next appt and should find out what I'm having then. I'm at 12 lbs weight gain and not too happy about it but I'll just pretend it's less for mental reasons, LOL! We're going to start cleaning out the baby's room this coming weekend so that when we find out what we're having we can start fixing it up! YAY!!! I've been feeling the baby move for about two weeks now and Nick should be able to feel it in the next few weeks. It seems to like to play on my left side a whole lot! And, of course, when I lay down to go to sleep it goes crazy moving. I had my first set of cankles (swollen ankles) last weekend and it was awful! I got really sunburned at the beach (everywhere but belly) and my ankles started swelling. They did off and on for a couple of days and haven't been back. It was heartbreaking looking at my feet! I'm so glad to have them back to normal, for now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you will be finding out soon. You look awesome!! Such a sweet belly. Be careful with the swelling. Mine were so swollen and my blood pressure too high so I'm on bedrest now until I have her. I can't wait to find out what you're having. Love you!!!
