Friday, March 6, 2009

accepting donations of energy!

Well, yesterday i got a little dose of what i'll be going through in 7 1/2 months. I went to the hospital to see my friend, Jamie, that had her baby. I started realizing my time is coming and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm so scared and just hope I'll be so miserably pregnant that the scary thoughts leave and the "get this baby out of me" thoughts come in. I must have been thinking about that when i went to sleep last night because I woke up at 3 am having a panic attack. Why do I have to be so over the top about everything??? I've gained 2 1/2 pounds so far. I'm half way through my first trimester and half way to the amount of weight i'm supposed to gain during that time. I weigh myself everyday to make sure I keep a close eye on it. I want to gain enough but not too much. I also started the lotion on my stomach just in case it helps with getting stretch marks. I want to have my skin ready to stretch in a few months. This is off the subject but my sister's dog is in labor and she thinks I need to come over and help when they come since i'm pregnant!!!??? I don't think so. As you can see from the title I'm all out of energy these days and it SUCKS!!! I look at everyone else and wish I had half the energy they do. I hear it gets better in the second trimester so if anyone wants to donate some to me until then i'll be forever greatful!

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