Friday, March 13, 2009

Go ahead...LAUGH!!!

I can't believe I'm actually putting this picture up! I figure my sister will have it circulated around by the end of the weekend if I don't. As you can see I fainted 3 times at my first doctor's appointment when i had to have my blood drawn. If you look close you'll see that my arm is already wrapped up which means I fainted AFTER they were don't taking my blood! I pretty much faint every time I have my blood taken so I knew this was going to happen and apparently Kellie did too since she's the one snapping pictures of me. Anyway, back to the visit, I went on Tuesday to Doctor Harper at Green Clinic. They took all my info, all my blood, and all my modesty at this appointment. I didn't get to have an ultrasound because it has to be scheduled with the lab so I'll go back in a week or so for that. My visit lasted about 3 1/2 hours because of my fainting spell and then the doc got called out to deliver a baby. I was so wore out after that appointment that I couldn't even drive home. Now back to the fainting mess...Kellie said I told them I was going to faint and then my eyes rolled back into my head, my face turned green and my lips white and I started sliding out of the chair. See, I can be a drama queen even when I'm not conscious! LOL I just remember thinking I was waking up from a nap but everything was black and people were pushing me down. It took about 30 seconds for my vision to come back and I didn't remember where I was so needless to say I was a little freaked out. Poor Nick!!! He has no idea what's coming for him. He just kept laughing at me that afternoon because I fainted over three little viles of blood. The good news is that I don't have to do that again until 28 weeks and then at delivery!!! Well that's pretty much all we accomplished at the first visit.


  1. Rachel, Rachel ... this is going to be some journey .. for us all. Thank God you have such a great support system ... I think you will be our primo "baby diva" ... no one better

  2. I still can't stop laughing!! This WILL go in the baby book as well!

  3. PRICELESS!! Props to Kellie for being ready for that picture! You are so funny! You do know that you need to be conscious to push out the baby right? What are you going to do when you have to take the baby to the doctor for pricks and pokes...oh goodness, Kellie will have to! This is going to be SO much FUN!!

  4. LOL! Rachel, I can't believe you fainted. Telling me the story wasn't enough. Seeing the picture though, that's just GREAT! Ok, I guess we should be nice. The only two times I've ever fainted were when I donated blood. It's always at the end and I think it's because my blood comes out so fast. But just having blood drawn like that, well, let's just say you're special :) I can't wait to see your ultrasound pics!!
